Wondering if anyone knew how to get meta_search's sort_link to work with will_paginate?
will_paginate links keep meta_search's search/sort params, but sort_link does not :(
This is the way I did it. I have a Task model with name and deadline attributes.
= search_form_for @q do |f|
= f.text_field :name_cont
= f.submit t(:search)
%th= sort_link @q, :name, t(:task), {page: params[:page]}
%th= sort_link @q, :deadline, t(:deadline), {page: params[:page]}
%th= sort_link @q, :created_at, t(:created_at), {page: params[:page]}
%th= t(:action)
- @tasks.each do |task|
%td= task.name
%td= task.deadline
%td= task.created_at
= link_to t(:edit), edit_task_path(task)
= link_to t(:delete), task, :confirm => t(:delete_question), :method => :delete
= will_paginate @tasks
As you can see I send the page param when click in the 'sort_link'.
def index
@q = Task.search(params[:q])
@tasks = @q.result.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
I hope it helps.
PS: I'm using Ransack instead of MetaSearch.