If I write the function:
public static uint FindAUint(double firstParam)
I can generate the xml comments by typing '///', it gives :
/// <summary>
/// *Here I type the summary of the method*
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstParam">*Summary of param*</param>
/// <returns>*Summary of return*</returns>
public static uint FindAUint(double firstParam)
If I then decide I need to update my method to be:
/// <summary>
/// *Here I type the summary of the method*
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstParam">*Summary of param*</param>
/// <returns>*Summary of return*</returns>
public static uint FindAUint(double firstParam,double newParam, double newParam2)
Is there a way to get visual studio to add the new params into the xml without losing the descriptions of the previous ones?
(I should mention I am using Visual Studio Express; I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to disallow the feature in the Express version though)
Check out GhostDoc. It is a Visual Studio extension that will generate your XML comments for you.