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EnumMap or HashMap if lookup key is a String

I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of using an EnumMap over a HashMap. Since, I will always be looking up using a String, it seems that a HashMap with a String key would be the right choice. However, an EnumMap seems like better design because it conveys my intent to restrict keys to a specific enumeration. Thoughts?

Here is a make-believe example, showing how I will be using the Map:

enum AnimalType { CAT, DOG }
interface Animal {}
class Cat implements Animal {}
class Dog implements Animal {}

public class AnimalFactory {

    private static final Map<AnimalType, Animal> enumMap 
            = new EnumMap<AnimalType, Animal>(AnimalType.class);
    // versus
    private static final Map<String, Animal> stringMap 
            = new HashMap<String, Animal>();

    static {
        enumMap.put(AnimalType.CAT, new Cat());
        enumMap.put(AnimalType.DOG, new Dog());
        stringMap.put("CAT", new Cat());
        stringMap.put("DOG", new Dog());
    public static Animal create(String type) {
        Animal result = enumMap.get(AnimalType.valueOf(type));
        Animal result2 = stringMap.get(type);
        return result;

Assume that the AnimalType enum and map will ONLY be used by the AnimalFactory to create animals and nowhere else.

Which Map should I use?


  • If all valid keys can be enumerated, I would use that as it ensures you are always working with a valid value.

    It can also avoid confusion as String can be used for lots of things and is easy to turn an "Animal" string into a string used for something else. As enum types are not interchangable with other types in general (unless you use a common interface), there is less chance of error in coding.