I have moss service which output the url of image.
Lets say the output url has '&' character , the service appending amp; next to &.
for ex: Directory.aspx?&z=BWxNK
Here amp; is additionally added. it is a moss sevice. so i don't have control on the sevice.
what i can do is decode the output. As i am using Ajax calls for calling moss sevice i am forced to decode the out put from javascript. i tried decodeURIComponent,decodeURI,unescape. nothing solved the problem.
Any help greatly appreciated. even server side function also helpful. i am using Aspl.net MVC3
Regards, Kumar.
is not URI encoded, it's HTML encoded.
For a server side solution, you could do this:
Server.HtmlDecode("&") // yields "&"
For a JavaScript solution, you could set the html to "&"
and read out the text, to simulate HTML decoding. In jQuery, it could look like this:
$("<span/>").html("&").text(); // yields "&"