Nowadays I get this form using extjs 3.4:
config = Ext.apply({
title: 'Fluxo de Reincidencia',
id: 'formKMLRcd',
name: 'formKMLRcd',
border: true,
bodyStyle: "padding: 10px",
layout: "form",
autoScroll: false,
items: [{
xtype: "datefield",
ref: "../extent",
anchor: "100%",
fieldLabel: 'Data Inicio',
emptyText: 'informe a data de inicio',
name: 'txtRcdDataInicio',
id: 'txtRcdDataInicio',
format: 'd/m/Y',
altFormats: 'd/m/Y',
allowBlank: false,
validator: function (value) {
var date = this.parseDate(this.getValue());
if (!date) {
return 'Informe uma data valida';
How can I get the form object, I tried using this expression but without sucess.
var form = Ext.getCmp('formKMLRcd').getForm();
You are using Ext.apply wrong, you must specify as the first parameter the objecton which you want to apply the specified config (in your case, the panel)