In my application I've created a wizard. It seems like I can not switch panels because validation fails on a non displayed panel.
The wizard has this layout:
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{messages['motivation.title']}" />
<h:messages />
<rich:togglePanel id="motivationTogglePanel" switchType="ajax" initialState="wiz1" rendered="#{motivationController.enabled}">
<f:facet name="wiz1">
<f:subview id="wiz1sub">
<rich:toggleControl value="next" switchToState="wiz2"></rich:toggleControl>
<f:facet name="wiz2">
<f:subview id="wiz2sub">
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="checkBoxList1" required="true" value="#{controller.selectedValue}" layout="pageDirection">
<f:selectItems value="#{controller.options}"></f:selectItems>
The modalPanel shows correctly starting with the wiz1 panel. Now when a user clicks the toggleControl nothing happens. If I remove the required field from the component then the switching works.
How can I do a proper validation of the currently displayed components only?
I've replaced the togglePanel by normal panels and reRender the correct panel using a controller property.