Let me start by giving you a diagram of the relationships between the tables used in my mysql query:
(source: r717.net)
I have a query that looks like this:
FROM `permissions`
WHERE `id` IN (
SELECT pr.perm_id
FROM `user_roles` as ur
LEFT JOIN `permissions_role` as pr
ON ur.role_id = pr.role_id
WHERE ur.user_id = '$userid'
OR `id` IN (
SELECT `perm_id`
FROM `permissions_user`
WHERE `user_id` = '$userid'
is the id from the user table for the current user. I store the permission name from the result into an array which represents all permissions assigned to the user based on his/her role and his/her id:
$user_perms = array();
if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0):
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query):
$user_perms[] = $result('name');
produces an output that looks like:
Array (
What I want to do is to also store all of the user's roles into another array without making a second query. I thought I needed to use aliases for the sub queries, so I tried this query:
SELECT permissions.*, usersroles.role_id
FROM `permissions`
SELECT ur.user_id, pr.perm_id, ur.role_id
FROM `user_roles` as ur
LEFT JOIN `permissions_role` as pr
ON ur.role_id = pr.role_id
WHERE ur.user_id = '$userid'
) AS usersroles ON usersroles.perm_id = permissions.id
SELECT `perm_id`, `user_id`
FROM `permissions_user`
WHERE `user_id` = '$userid'
) AS userperms ON userperms.user_id = usersroles.user_id
AND userperms.perm_id = permissions.id
and, using code similar to the code above...
$user_perms = array();
$user_roles = array();
if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0):
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query):
$user_perms = $result('name');
$user_roles = $result('role_id');
... I get this warning:
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
But, I would like to print_r($user_roles);
and produce an output that looks like this:
Array (
[0] => administrator
[1] => humanresources
[2] => podmanager
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, or suggest a better way to get the data I need from one query into 2 arrays?
EDIT : After careful consideration, I changed my code to use 2 queries as ImreL suggested. The resulting code works nicely and executes quickly. I have edited my answer to show the final code I used and added supporting code to demonstrate how I am using the 2 queries. Big thanks to ImreL!
The query will be required to run on every page the user loads and we have over 30,000 permissions, and 3,000 roles. I am just trying very hard to keep my number of queries to a minimum. We also host our 7 sites on a server in our office, and the server doesn't seem to be capable of handling the amount of traffic we generate (unfortunately I have no control over this)
I see that your intentions are good, but let me tell you this:
The "number of queries" is not the right way to measure your site's performance.
Many times 2 simple queries use less resources than 1 complex.
Also there are other ways to speed up your sites:
So finally, I tried to come up with query to satisfy what was asked:
select * from (
select ur.role_id, p.*
from user_roles ur
left join permissions_role pr on ur.role_id = pr.role_id
left join permissions p on p.id = pr.perm_id
where ur.user_id = '$userid'
union all
select null as role_id, p.*
from permissions_user pu
join permissions p on p.id = pu.perm_id
where pu.user_id = '$userid'
) sub
group by ifnull(name,role_id) -- group by to eliminate duplicates
But this is not good on performance. You are much better off with 2 queries: 1st to get all permissions for user
select p.* from permissions p
join permissions_role pr on pr.perm_id = p.id
join user_roles ur on ur.role_id = pr.role_id and ur.user_id = '$userid'
select p.* from permissions p
join permissions_user pu on pu.perm_id = p.id and pu.user_id = '$userid';
and 2nd to get all roles.