I am trying to use Neko dlls (written in C++) with the C++ target of Haxe. I am able to call the functions in haxe but not able to pass values.
This is the C++ code -
value Hello(value h)
cout << val_int(h);
return val_int(1);
}DEFINE_PRIM(Hello, 1);
This is the Haxe code -
class Main
var load = cpp.Lib.loadLazy( "ndll" , "Hello", 1 );
static function main()
It executes only if the function does not take parameters. Also, the value that is returned form the C++ function to Haxe is null
This code actually works perfectly when I compile for the neko target, but it doesn't seem to work with the cpp target.
Any help is appreciated.
In order for this to work, you'll have to add to the header of your cpp file:
#include <hx/CFFI.h>
(instead of neko's headers) If you want the ndll to run on both neko and hxcpp, you should also add
before the hx/CFFI.h include.
You can compile using whatever is best for you, but I recommend using a Build.xml to generate your ndll, since it will automatically add the include and lib paths correctly for hxcpp's headers. You can see an example of a very simple Build.xml here: http://pastebin.com/X9rFraYp
You can see more documentation about hxcpp's CFFI here: http://haxe.org/doc/cpp/ffi