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How to include test classes in Jar created by maven-shade-plugin?

I'm trying to package my test classes in to an executable jar with dependencies using Maven, but I'm struggling to get this right.

This is my pom.xml so far:







                                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

When I execute mvn clean package the build creates 3 jars:

  • executable-tests-1.0.jar // built by the mvn package phase
  • executable-tests-1.0-teststjar // built by the jar-plugin
  • cucumber-tests.jar // build by the shade-plugin

Cucumber-tests.jar contains the info.cuke dependencies but it doesn't contain the executable-tests-1.0-tests.jar.

I've done all sorts of things to try and have the test classes included but nothing has worked, what am I missing?

Edit: I've pushed my example project to GitHub if any one fancies playing around with it :)


  • I've solved my problem a different way; using two other plugins.

    First I use the maven-dependency-plugin to get the dependencies and unpack them locally, then I use the maven-jar-plugin to create a test-jar and include the classes from the unpacked dependencies.