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How can I remove title and icon completetly in Actionbar sherlock?

I use action bar Sherlock but I need to remove title and icon from bar.

I used


It worked, icon and title disappeared but stil my items appeared in right. Is there a any way to completely remove title and icon instead of hide them. I found a similar question in stack-overflow but nobody answered it.


     Before my bar look like:   -- Icon Title MenuItem1 MenuItem2--
     After my bar look like:    --            MenuItem1 MenuItem2--
     I want my bar look like:   -- MenuItem1 MenuItem2


  • Your "menu items" will never appear be aligned to the left. They will be aligned to the right. The left is for your title and icon (presently removed) and navigation (tabs, list, etc.). If you have enough action bar items, they will flow over to the left side, but they will always start from the right. This cannot be altered via the Android SDK.