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How to convert URL rewrite from Apache to Hiawatha

I'm using the Hiawatha webserver and need to convert the following Apache URL rewrite rule into a URL toolkit rule.

RewriteRule ^symphony\/api(\/(.*\/?))?$ extensions/rest_api/handler.php?url=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,L]

%{QUERY_STRING} can't be used in Hiawatha's URL toolkit.

I've tried a few things, but my regex is poor.

Here's the basic Hiawatha URL rewrite format:

Match <originalurl> Rewrite <rewrittenurl>

An example URL that needs to be rewritten:



  • Just a guess, try

    Match ^symphony\/api(\/(.*\/?))?\?(.*)$ Rewrite extensions/rest_api/handler.php?url=$1&$2
    Match ^symphony\/api(\/(.*\/?))?$ Rewrite extensions/rest_api/handler.php?url=$1