Hibernate has deprecated the connection() because they think the framework is so awesome that no-one will ever need the connection. And no, this is NOT the same thing as providing the connection, unless you are coming from Haskell. Anyways, I have a better idea to get rid of hibernate: a Connection wrapper arounds the hibernate session so I can pass the session around as a connection. I heard there is a way to get the connection with reflection. Does anyone know where I can get a wrapper like that?
public class SessionConnection implements Connection {
private final Session session;
private final Connection conn;
public SessionConnection(Session session) {
this.session = session;
this.conn = getConnectionFromStupidHibernate(session);
// delegate methods go here
If you're using spring, just use the same DataSource you use for your SessionFactory - don't design your app around hibernate, fit hibernate into your design