Do you know any decent framework for creating Swing screens? I need to extend my application for implementors that will have to add their own screens.
Possible options:
Netbeans platform with Matisse editor
Bean builder (very old and unsupported)
Eclipse VEP (beta)
Any other option?
Update: I am not looking for design time tool to build my screens. I am looking for an addon or a platform to allow implementors (users of my application) to build custom screens for different clients. The screens have to be saved in some format (say xml) and will be displayed by another (view-only) application.
Because of that, solutions like Matisse4MyEclipse don't fit, because I can't bundle their proprietary plugin with my application.
Update 2:
I am asking for a framework, not a design-time tool. I want some kind of component to embed in my application, so that users will be able to create screens by themselves.
instantiations' WindowBuilder - a commercial product