<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean"%>
form.parentProcessNumberPresentation.value= "<"+ "<bean:write name="associatedProcessField" property="fieldInstruction"/>" + ">";
when I print the text with the "bean: write"
it comes with "\ n"
, then breaks the string that will be assigned to the components in the form.
how could this filter "\ n"
to skip it?
I've tried:
form.parentProcessNumberPresentation.value= "<"+ "<bean:write name="associatedProcessField" property="fieldInstruction" filter="false"/>" + ">";
The problem was that "<bean:write name="associatedProcessField" property="fieldInstruction" filter="false"/>"
returned one, but it was with "\n"
so the string that would be attributed to the JavaScript variable does not was valid.