We're using Gherkin, Cucumber-jvm and Webdriver to run acceptance tests against a standard Java/Spring webapp. The issue is that, when running the tests using a Maven job, the tests completely successfully but the job does not complete. Only on closing of the Firefox window does the job complete.
We have a workaround of closing the browser explicitly after each feature, but this will quickly become unsustainable due to time lag.
The tech stack is as follows:
Cucumber-JVM 1.0.4
Selenium 2.12.0
Firefox 8.0
The app runs in JBoss EAP 5.1 on a Windows 7 machine.
When we used the JRuby version of Cucumber, this behaviour did not appear with the above selenium/firefox combination, although it did when we used higher versions of either.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before, and does anyone have any suggestions or workarounds?
Thanks in advance
Do you close your WebDriver?
public void afterScenarioRun() {