I have the following API:
public interface MyApi {
* Performs some stuff.
* @throws MyException if condition C1
public void method() throws MyException;
I am now performing the following modification in my API implementation
public class MyApiImpl {
public void method() throws MyException {
if (C1) {
throw new MyException("c1 message");
is replaced by :
public class MyApiImpl {
public void method() throws MyException {
if (C1) {
throw new MyException("c1 message");
} else if (c2) {
throw new MyException("c2 message");
Do you consider this as an API breakage ?
Client's code will still compile but method contract defined by the API javadoc is no more respected since MyExcepiton is thrown by a "new" condition.
If only my API jar file is updated, clients application will still work but depending on the way clients catch the exception the application behavior can change a lot.
What's your point of view on that ?
Yes, you're breaking the contract of the interface by throwing an exception when C1 doesn't occur.
As a rule of thumb, the vaguer the interface contract, the easier it is not to break :) If the interface isn't defined in terms of an explicit C1, but in more general terms, that gives a lot more flexibility.