I am trying to query the http://developer.pintlabs.com/brewerydb/api-documentation with jquery.ajax.
These are two of the Jquery requests i tried (note that "O3tmVI" is a dummy ID):
url:"http://api.playground.brewerydb.com/beer/" + "O3tmVI" + "?key=A1029384756B&format=json",
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback: "callbackfunctie",
var returnData = oData;
$.getJSON("http://api.playground.brewerydb.com/beer/" + "O3tmVI" + "?key=A1029384756B&format=json&jsoncallback=?",
Both cause this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
Now, the json object returned looks like this:
{"message":"Request Successful","data":{"id":"O3tmVI","name":"The Public","description":"The Public\u2122 is a delicious easy drinking pale ale made from a simple recipe of quality grain and top notch American hops. Tawny hues of caramel and amber are a trademark of the Public ale as well as a delicious spruce crispness resulting from a beautiful abundance of hops! This beer will be produced throughout the year and serves as the foundation of our product line.","abv":"6","glasswareId":8,"availableId":1,"styleId":33,"isOrganic":"N","labels":{"icon":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/beer\/O3tmVI\/upload_3sdJcU-icon.png","medium":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/beer\/O3tmVI\/upload_3sdJcU-medium.png","large":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/brewerydbapi\/beer\/O3tmVI\/upload_3sdJcU-large.png"},"status":"verified","statusDisplay":"Verified","servingTemperature":"cool","servingTemperatureDisplay":"Cool - (8-12C\/45-54F)","createDate":"2012-04-05 04:02:36","updateDate":"2012-04-05 04:34:17","glass":{"id":8,"name":"Tulip","createDate":"2012-04-05 04:00:04"},"available":{"id":"1","name":"Year Round","description":"Available year round as a staple beer."},"style":{"id":33,"categoryId":10,"category":{"id":10,"name":"American Ale","bjcpCategory":"10","createDate":"2012-04-05 04:00:04"},"bjcpSubcategory":"A","name":"American Pale Ale","simpleUrl":"american-pale-ale","ibuMin":"30","ibuMax":"45","abvMin":"4.5","abvMax":"6.2","srmMin":"5","srmMax":"14","ogMin":"1.045","ogMax":"1.06","fgMin":"1.01","fgMax":"1.015","createDate":"2012-04-05 04:00:04"}},"status":"success"}
I have succesfully validated it as valid JSON
Now, the problem is i need a JSONP object in order to request it (cross-domain). So it has to be wrapped in a container function. This should be possible with the parameters in the request, but so far i have tried almost anything but have had no success...
I found this article wich has a short entry on this bug: http://www.jquery4u.com/json/ajaxjquery-getjson-simple/
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :(in crome) Invalid Lable(in firefox) “invalid label” error can be fixed by passing the JSON data to the js callback
But i don't really understand what he's saying there
What am i doing wrong?
My guess is that the service at http://api.playground.brewerydb.com/beer/ is returning json but NOT jsonp. Search the jsonp tag for "Unexpected token" and you'll find many explanations such as this one. The json must be wrapped in a javascript function, i.e. the callback but it is up to the cross domain Web Service to support jsonp. This is enforced by the browser and jQuery cannot overcome it.