Suppose I have a vector of n values, I want to get the different combinations of its values, for example: if I have vect = [a, b, c] the different combinations that I want are: [a, b, c], [a,b], [a,c], [b,c], [a], [b], [c]
Note that for example [a,b] is the same as [b,a] so I don't need to keep both of them.
Count from 0
to 2^vector.size() - 1
. If bit i of your loop variable is 1, include vector[i]
in your combination.
vector<char> v;
for (int counter = 0; counter < (1 << v.size()); ++counter)
vector<char> combination;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
if (counter & (1 << i))
// do something with combination
Edit: if you want to exclude the empty set, start counting at 1.