I would like to have an if/else if/else statement based on an object literal. The object literal will be user generated and so I will not know how long it will be, though I will know the key/value pairs naming scheme.
For example, I have some code that gets the viewport width and a function to update img src attribute below
vpwidth = window.innerWidth;
function modifyImgSrc (srcModifier) {
src = src.replace(".jpg", srcModifier + ".jpg");
src = src.replace(".png", srcModifier + ".png");
src = src.replace(".gif", srcModifier + ".gif");
Then I have my object literal
var brkpnts = [
{width: 320, srcmodifier: '-s'},
{width: 768, srcmodifier: '-m'},
{width: 1024, srcmodifier: '-l'},
And I want to generate an if statement based of the object literal
if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[0].width ) {
else if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[1].width ) {
else {
Though since the object literal can be modified by the user, how can I generate an if/else if/else statement to match what the user adds to the object literal. For example, the may have more than 3 key/value pairs.
var breakpoints = [
{width: 320, srcmodifier: '-xs'},
{width: 534, srcmodifier: '-s'},
{width: 768, srcmodifier: '-m'},
{width: 1024, srcmodifier: '-l'},
{width: 1440, srcmodifier: '-xl'}
In that case, I would want an if statement that looked like this.
if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[0].width ) {
else if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[1].width ) {
else if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[2].width ) {
else if ( vpwidth <= brkpnts[3].width ) {
else {
Is this possible? If so, how, and is this the best way to achieve this?
Loop through the array:
var modified = false;
for(var i = 0, len = brkpnts.length; i < len; i++) {
if(vpwidth <= brkpnts[i].width) {
modified = true;
// Use the biggest one if vpwidth larger than all
if(!modified) {
modifyImgSrc(brkpnts[brkpnts.length - 1].srcmodifier);
Edit: Though, Xander is correct in his comment, you should probably use media queries instead.