I need to update an assembly that my application is using.
It is a website application referencing the assembly in the GAC via this line in the web.config
<add assembly="dotnetCHARTING, Version=4.3.2721.21869, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=AF2CD47DB69D93BD" />
However I am confused, I cannot find the assembly in C:\Windows\assembly or C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Assembly
I even tried this tool, no dice. http://gacbrowser.blogspot.co.uk/2008/03/gac-browser-introduction.html
I have tried looking via the public key and assembly name.
Any ideas?
(Edited - converted web.config line to code sample)
Have you tried using the .NET Fusion Logger? It should tell you the exact path that the assembly was loaded from.