I'm little bit new to Zend, I want to use a controller action through out the entire application automatically, I don't have a clear idea to how to use it, thought about init() method, action helpers, etc.
Then instead of simply creating controller action create controllerAction Helper . Here you can find more about it
My_Helper_Magic extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispach()
//code inside here will run for entire application automatically
In your bootstrap do
Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new My_Helper_Magic());
In Response to comment .
It depends upon your 'code fragment' , If your code fragment does not required to know nothing about module , controller, action , base url then you can use Bootstrap init function
public function _initAlways()
//see how this function name is prefixed with _init hence it will be called by ZF //everytime. You can put your code fragment here
//If your code fragment depends upon some stuff like baseurl then do action controller
// registration here instead
Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new My_Helper_Magic());
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You can save any instance of your object inside Zend_Registy and retrieve it whereever you like
Inside Bootstrap.php
public function _initSetup()
$object = new My_Custom_Object();
Later in your view or controller do
$myObject = Zend_Registry::get('my_custom_object'); //to access it