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what is the suggested number of bytes each time for files too large to be memory mapped at one time?

I am opening files using memory map. The files are apparently too big (6GB on a 32-bit PC) to be mapped in one ago. So I am thinking of mapping part of it each time and adjusting the offsets in the next mapping.

Is there an optimal number of bytes for each mapping or is there a way to determine such a figure?



  • There is no optimal size. With a 32-bit process, there is only 4 GB of address space total, and usually only 2 GB is available for user mode processes. This 2 GB is then fragmented by code and data from the exe and DLL's, heap allocations, thread stacks, and so on. Given this, you will probably not find more than 1 GB of contigous space to map a file into memory.

    The optimal number depends on your app, but I would be concerned mapping more than 512 MB into a 32-bit process. Even with limiting yourself to 512 MB, you might run into some issues depending on your application. Alternatively, if you can go 64-bit there should be no issues mapping multiple gigabytes of a file into memory - you address space is so large this shouldn't cause any issues.

    You could use an API like VirtualQuery to find the largest contigous space - but then your actually forcing out of memory errors to occur as you are removing large amounts of address space.

    EDIT: I just realized my answer is Windows specific, but you didn't which platform you are discussing. I presume other platforms have similar limiting factors for memory-mapped files.