I have following jquery code plugin:
(function ($) {
collapsiblePanel: function () {
// Call the ConfigureCollapsiblePanel function for the selected element
return $(this).each(ConfigureCollapsiblePanel);
function ConfigureCollapsiblePanel() {
// Check if there are any child elements, if not then wrap the inner text within a new div.
if ($(this).children().length == 0) {
// Wrap the contents of the container within a new div.
$(this).children().wrapAll("<div class='collapsibleContainerContent ui-widget-content'></div>");
// Create a new div as the first item within the container. Put the title of the panel in here.
$("<div class='collapsibleContainerTitle ui-widget-header'><div>" + $(this).attr("title") + "</div></div>").prependTo($(this));
// Assign a call to CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick for the click event of the new title div.
$(".collapsibleContainerTitle", this).click(CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick);
function CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick() {
// The item clicked is the title div... get this parent (the overall container)
// and toggle the content within it.
$(".collapsibleContainerContent", $(this).parent()).slideToggle();
Then here is the html:
<div class="collapsibleContainer" title="Example Collapsible Panel">
KDLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.... (you get the idea!)
Then here is the css:
.collapsibleContainerTitle div
padding: 10px;
Here is the document ready function:
jQuery(function () {
What do I need to write to make the Panel actually collapse on document ready instead of expand as it is now doing when the document is loaded?
Set the content of your panel to display:none
Looks like the plugin uses slideToggle()
, which just animates transition to/from display:none
So, I think this:
padding: 10px;
display: none;