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How Do Make a Jquery Collapsible Panel Collapsed instead of Expanded when the Document is Ready?

I have following jquery code plugin:

           (function ($) {
                    collapsiblePanel: function () {
                        // Call the ConfigureCollapsiblePanel function for the selected element
                        return $(this).each(ConfigureCollapsiblePanel);

            function ConfigureCollapsiblePanel() {

                // Check if there are any child elements, if not then wrap the inner text within a new div.
                if ($(this).children().length == 0) {

                // Wrap the contents of the container within a new div.
                $(this).children().wrapAll("<div class='collapsibleContainerContent ui-widget-content'></div>");

                // Create a new div as the first item within the container.  Put the title of the panel in here.
                $("<div class='collapsibleContainerTitle ui-widget-header'><div>" + $(this).attr("title") + "</div></div>").prependTo($(this));

                // Assign a call to CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick for the click event of the new title div.
                $(".collapsibleContainerTitle", this).click(CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick);

            function CollapsibleContainerTitleOnClick() {
                // The item clicked is the title div... get this parent (the overall container) 
                // and toggle the content within it.
                $(".collapsibleContainerContent", $(this).parent()).slideToggle();

Then here is the html:

<div class="collapsibleContainer" title="Example Collapsible Panel">
                                        KDLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.... (you get the idea!)

Then here is the css:



.collapsibleContainerTitle div

   padding: 10px;

Here is the document ready function:

jQuery(function () {

What do I need to write to make the Panel actually collapse on document ready instead of expand as it is now doing when the document is loaded?


  • Set the content of your panel to display:none.

    Looks like the plugin uses slideToggle(), which just animates transition to/from display:none.

    So, I think this:

       padding: 10px;
       display: none;