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How to get value of a cell in row data bound event? and how to check if a cell is empty?

I'm using sqldatasource and a GridView. I want to get the value of a cell from the GridView in the RowDataBound event?, Because I can't use e.RowIndex.

How to check in the updatng event if a cell is empty? I used if != null, but it didn't worked so I need to check if it's empty.



  • In the RowdataBound Event, you can get the value of a cell from gridview using the following Code:

    [1]//getting username rfom particular row

    string servicename = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "Name"));

    In the RowUpdating event, you can check if cell is empty or not, by using following code:

    string servicename = grdvw_showdetails.DataKeys[row.RowIndex][1].ToString();

    Above code uses Datakey in the row updating event. if you don't want to use the datakey, the code to check specific cell is empty or not is

     TextBox txtaname = (TextBox)row.FindControl("txt_updname");
     if(txtaname.text != null)


    This answer is excellent. However I would like to add a bit of a comment. When checking row cells data within RowDatabound event, the row's DataItem's ItemArray property is not directly accessible. So when we do something like this, it's pointless : string val = e.Row.Cells[2].Text.ToString(); and throws an error.

    That's where the first line of this answer comes in.[1]

    Following screen shows the tree/hierarchy of the Row's underlying properties when you do a watch at debug mode.

    enter image description here