I have verybasic question ( i dont know why i unable to think stright ).
I am trying to do some polymorphism .
I have interface look like this:
Public interface Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str);
I also have some plugins classes that implament this interface
public class plugin1:Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str=="1")
// do somthing 1
public class plugin2:Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str=="2")
// do somthing 2
public class plugin3:Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str=="3")
// do somthing 3
So I have the main class and I would like it to invoke the all plug in
BUT I would like it to save the OCP (Open-Closed Principle) so If I will add in the future another plugin class the main class will not changed.
This is the main class
public class mainApp
Iplugin _context;
_context= new //new what??
bool func(string str)
_context.doSomthing(str);//I would like it to invoke all the plug in and also a future plugins that I will add
Ok Thank you all for your help.
I take all your advice and I did the following:
namespace Plugins
public class plugin1 : Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str == "1")
// do somthing 1
public class plugin2 : Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str == "2")
// do somthing 2
public class plugin3 : Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str)
if (_str == "3")
// do somthing 3
SO this is name space with all the plugins
now in the main app
namespace Factory
public interface Iplugin
void doSomthing(string _str);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string @namespace = "Plugins";
var q = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
where t.IsClass && t.Namespace == @namespace
select t;
List<Iplugin> myList = new List<Iplugin>();
foreach (var item in q)
Iplugin temp=(Iplugin)Activator.CreateInstance(item);
myList.Add(temp);// a list with all my plugins
foreach (var item in myList)