I have a cfgrid in one of my "crud" pages, something similar to:
<cfset args = StructNew()>
<cfset args.name = "ProductsGrid">
<cfset args.format = "html">
<cfset args.bindOnLoad = "true">
<cfset args.stripeRows = true>
<cfset args.SELECTColor = "##D9E8FB">
<cfset args.pagesize = 25>
<cfgrid attributeCollection="#args#" autowidth="yes" fontsize="11">
<cfgridcolumn name="artid" display="false" width="1">
<cfgridcolumn name="marchio" header="Marchio" width="100">
In addition I created (years ago) this JS to add buttons to my grid's bottom toolbar.
init = function() {
grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("ProductsGrid");
var tbar = grid.getBottomToolbar();;
tbar.addButton({text:"Nuovo", handler:onAdd });
tbar.addButton({ text:"Modifica", handler:onEdit });
Now I updated my CF version to the 9.0.1 (hotfix 1 and 2) and this stopped to work:
the grid IS working fine, indeed, the buttons are NOT created (the init function is called, I tested it).
What's the matter, what's changed?
It could be the two semicolons after your toolbar instantiation.
var tbar = grid.getBottomToolbar();;