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Ankhsvn integration with Visual Studio 2010 - Adding Solution - Working Folders Issue

Newb to Ankhsvn and Ubersvn integration.

I have existing web projects built in Visual Studio 2010 and am attempting to add them into a newly created repositories. The issue I'm having is trying to configure the working local directory. I've got my projects contained in various folders on my machine but it seems Ankhsvn will not let you change the "Local Folder" (which I'm assuming is the working folder) on your machine, it only gives selected options in a dropdown. I know Visual Studio generates it's own solution file in the standard directories (my docs../vis stud../projects/...) but that is not my working directory which it seems Ankhsvn is fixed in.

I don't want to have to move my projects around (and probably don't have enough space on my c: drive anyway). Does someone have any insight on how I can configure the local folders ankhsvn and Ubersvn can work out of?

Using Windows 7 64bit if that has any bearing as well. Our svn repository is hosted externally.


Well I haven't heard any feedback yet on this so I basically went ahead and used the following methodology to get my files into the repository:

1) Used TortoiseSVN to add the files to the svn repository (with TortoiseSVN installed, right click on the folder you want to add, TortoiseSVN -> Import and basically add in the repository URL ad go about adding in folders and files as desired.

2) next step was to then open Visual Studio 2010 and open the given web project folder and then go File -> Subversion -> Open project from subversion. NOTE: make sure when you open that you select the correct folder to import to. It should be one level above the given folder you selected.

3) after the import, all my files appeared as in conflict. I basically just commited the files and the issue went away.

So I now have my project hooked into svn and working through Ankhsvn but has to use TortoiseSVN to get it done...hmmm


  • To administer the repository in uberSVN you need to make it aware of the repository. The easiest way to do this is to create the repository within the uberSVN admin page, but you've already done that bit, so we need to make uberSVN aware of it.

    To do this:

    • Create a Dump file based on your manually created repository
    • Login to uberSVN as an System Admin or Repository Admin
    • Click on Repositories
    • Click on Add
    • Enter a Repository Name (which will enter a Location automatically)
    • Click Next
    • Click Import From Uploaded Dump File or Import From Dump File Located On The Server
    • Select the Dump file in question
    • Click Done

    Your repo will now be brought underneath uberSVN, loaded into a newly created Repo sat in the /uberSVN/repositories storage location.

    From there you just continue as normal with your preferred subversion client.