I have extract the 3 usable field from a string. There is no common delimiter, there can be both blank spaces and tabs.
First, what I am doing is replacing all double blanks and tabs by '**'
Given String :
cont = Gallipelle 04/04/2012 16.03.03 5678
I am using:
cont.Replace(" ", "**").Replace(" ", "**").Replace(" ", "**").Replace("**", "").Trim()
The answer becomes:
****** Gallipelle******04/04/2012 16.03.03************************ 5678*****
Is the approach correct? How do I extract the stuffs from here? I just need all the extracts in string datatype.
You can use regex groups to find out three values name, date, number.
A group is defined as (?<group_name><regex_expr>)
So you could write
Regex regex = new Regex("(?<name>(\\S*))(\\s*)(?<date>((\\S*)\\s(\\S*)))(\\s*)(?<number>(\\d*))");
Match match = regex.Match(yourString);
if (match.Success)
string name = match.Groups["name"].Value;
string date = match.Groups["date"].Value;
string number = match.Groups["number"].Value;
\s* matches sequence of whitespaces which includes tabs. \S* matches sequence of non-whitespace characters. \d* matches sequence of digits.