to create a dataset such as
System.Data.Common.DBConnection conn = getConn();
DbCommand com = conn.CreateCommand();
DbDataAdapter da = // get a datadapter from conn ??? There is NO CreateDataAdapter here ?
da.SelectCommand = com;
any help ?
UPDATE - I know there's no CreateDataAdapter() method there, looking for a workaround !
I'am not sure if understand correctly.. but maybe you want something like this:
using (System.Data.Common.DBConnection conn = getConn())
DbCommand com = conn.CreateCommand();
DbDataAdapter da = CreateAdapter(com);
// .. properties of adapter ..
EDIT (Not tested):
you can create generic CreateAdapter method like this (will create adapter based on command type):
private static DbDataAdapter CreateAdapter<T>(T a_command) where T: DbCommand
if (a_command is SqlCommand)
return new SqlDataAdapter();
// .. others adapters..
return null;