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Cannot get scikit-learn installed on OS X

I cannot install scikit-learn. I can install other packages either by building them from source or through pip without a problem. For scikit-learn, I've tried cloning the project on GitHub and installing via pip without success. Can anyone please help? Here is part of my pip.log:

Downloading/unpacking scikit-learn
  Running egg_info for package scikit-learn
    Warning: Assuming default configuration (scikits/learn/{setup_scikits.learn,setup}.py was not found)Warning: Assuming default configuration (sklearn/svm/tests/{setup_tests,setup}.py was not found)Appending scikits.learn configuration to
    Ignoring attempt to set 'name' (from '' to 'scikits.learn')
    Appending sklearn.check_build configuration to sklearn
    Ignoring attempt to set 'name' (from 'sklearn' to 'sklearn.check_build')
    Appending sklearn.svm.tests configuration to sklearn.svm
    Ignoring attempt to set 'name' (from 'sklearn.svm' to 'sklearn.svm.tests')
        extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,Accelerate']
        define_macros = [('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3)]
        extra_compile_args = ['-faltivec', '-I/System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Headers']


  • Install SciPy Superpack or EPD to get all the required dependencies in one shot under OSX.