I have this Qt program that i am building with waf.I am testing it out in windows and everytime i run the exe file the console opens up. In (Qt)pro file(if build with qmake) you just have to make sure you remove
CONFIG += console
But i am not sure what linker-flag , i have to add in my wscript(waf) to make this happen.I have to specify /SUBSYSTEM: WINDOWS
for msvc complier to take my program as windows program
Please help.
my wscript.py
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2005, 2011 (ita)
Including the moc files *is* the best practice (KDE), not doing it is easy,
but makes the compilations about 30-40% slower on average.
If you still want the slow version (we warned you!), see the example located
in the folder playground/slow_qt/
top = '.'
out = 'build'
def options(opt):
opt.load('compiler_cxx qt4 compiler_c boost')
def configure(conf):
conf.load('compiler_cxx qt4 compiler_c boost')
#if conf.env.COMPILER_CXX == 'msvc': g++
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-DWAF=1']) # test
#conf.check_cc( ccflags='-mwindows', mandatory=True, msg='Checking for flags -mwindows')
def build(bld):
cxxflags = bld.env.commonCxxFlags
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx', includes = '.',source = 'ListModel.cpp', target = 'ListModel.o', uselib = uselibcommon, cxxflags=cxxflags)
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx', includes = '.', source = 'Model.cpp', target = 'Model.o', uselib = uselibcommon, cxxflags=cxxflags)
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx', includes = '.', source = 'ProxyModel.cpp' , target = 'ProxyModel.o', uselib = uselibcommon, cxxflags=cxxflags)
flags = cxxflags + ['-DWAF']
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx', includes = bld.options.boost_includes, source = 'TableModel.cpp', target = 'TableModel.o', uselib = uselibcommon, cxxflags=flags)
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx', includes = '.', source = 'SongItem.cpp', target = 'SongItem.o',use = 'ListModel.o', cxxflags=cxxflags)
use = [ 'sqlite3.o', 'Master.o' , 'DatabaseUtil' , 'SQLiteError.o' , 'Vector.o' , 'Song.o' , 'Songs.o' , 'SQLiteVector.o' , 'SQLiteVectorIterator.o' , 'ListModel.o' , 'Model.o' , 'TableModel.o' , 'SongItem.o' , 'ProxyModel.o']
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx c', uselib = uselibcommon, includes = bld.options.boost_includes , source = 'MainWindow.cpp' , target = 'MainWindow.o', lib = ['phonon'], libpath = ['/usr/lib'], use = use, cxxflags=cxxflags)
use = [ 'sqlite3.o', 'Master.o' , 'DatabaseUtil' , 'SQLiteError.o' , 'Vector.o' , 'Song.o' , 'Songs.o' , 'SQLiteVector.o' , 'SQLiteVectorIterator.o' , 'ListModel.o' , 'Model.o' , 'TableModel.o' , 'SongItem.o' , 'ProxyModel.o',
bld(features = 'qt4 cxx cxxprogram', includes = bld.options.boost_includes, source = 'main.cpp MasterDetail.qrc', target = 'app', uselib = uselibcommon , cxxflags=cxxflags, use = use, linkflags = (['-Wl,-subsystem,windows']) )
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method, after_method
def add_includes_paths(self):
incs = set(self.to_list(getattr(self, 'includes', '')))
for x in self.compiled_tasks:
self.includes = list(incs)
I got the solution
on windows, use(mingw)
linkflags = ['-Wl,-subsystem,windows'], -> to disable the console
linkflags = ['-Wl,-subsystem,console'], -> to enable the console
use (msvc)
subsystem='windows', -> to disable the console
subsystem='console', -> to enable the console