I have been using gmaps4 rails to build out a site and the gem is a super addition to my project. I am having some trouble however, with nested models and polygons.
I too would like to do something like this: Gmaps4rails custom info window with javascript content
class Zone < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :points, :as => :pointable
accepts_nested_attributes_for :points
def self.create_with_points(name, points)
zone = Zone.create(:name => name)
points.map { |point| zone.points.create(:latitude => point[0],
:longitude => point[1]) }
def as_polygon_data
points.collect { |point| { "lat" => point.latitude.to_f,
"lng" => point.longitude.to_f,
"strokeColor" => "#EBAC2A",
"strokeOpacity" => 0.65,
"strokeWeight" => 2,
"fillColor" => "#606F81",
"fillOpacity" => 0.4
} }
def self.all_as_polygon_data
Zone.all.collect { |zone| zone.as_polygon_data }
class Point < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :pointable, :polymorphic => :true
To invoke the Zone in the controller I have to call it with to_json instead of to_gmaps4rails:
@polygon_json = Zone.all_as_polygon_data.to_json
The polygons render on the map perfectly, but I can't add an info window to them. I tried the click event callback in the above-mentioned post, but it did not work for me.
I would also like to know how I can get a handle to these polygons so I can hide them using a checkbox.
Thank you for your time. Hopefully I have provided enough information.
but it did not work for me
is not a very useful statement.
I can't know what's your problem: do you have any js error?
You can use the whole google js api, the gem is not a brake, it's just a wrapper.
If you want to interact with polygons:
the data you pass in the view are stored in the array of objects: Gmaps.map.polygons
on page load, the google's polygons are created and are stored in an object I call serviceObject
To sum up, Gmaps.map.polygons[0].serviceObject
is a google polygon object you can interact with freely.
To be sure the google's object are created, insert your custom methods in the gmaps4rails js callback.