I have a grid of many images and each image has a CSS class set to it's unique ID.
Using this javascript code, I'd like to ask my server backend to construct an appropriate HTML summary of said element and return it.
$('.tier-items a img').qtip({
content: {
text: 'Loading...', // The text to use whilst the AJAX request is loading
ajax: {
url: '/Items/GetToolTip/' + $(this).attr("class"), //I assumed that $(this) would contain the element I moused over.
type: 'GET', // POST or GET
data: {} // Data to pass along with your request
style: {
classes: 'ui-tooltip-youtube ui-tooltip-shadow'
position: {
my: 'bottom center',
at: 'top center',
effect: function (api, pos, viewport) {
// "this" refers to the tooltip
$(this).animate(pos, {
duration: 600,
easing: 'linear',
queue: false // Set this to false so it doesn't interfere with the show/hide animations
However it seems that in this case $(this)
doesn't contain the element that has been moused over to invoke the qTip.
I need to invoke a url like:
Instead I get:
Is there some way to get the element where the QTip was invoked?
Tried this, and still no dice:
itemHoverId = 1;
//Construct the id, on mouseenter and use that instead of $(this)
$('.tier-items a img').mouseenter(function () {
itemHoverId = $(this).attr("class");
$('.tier-items a img').qtip({
content: {
text: 'Loading...', // The text to use whilst the AJAX request is loading
ajax: {
url: '/Items/GetToolTip/' + itemHoverId, //I assumed that $(this) would contain the element I moused over.
type: 'GET', // POST or GET
data: {} // Data to pass along with your request
The resulting invoke is:
The problem is that this
is referring to whatever this
is when the initialization method is called and not your image (ie probably your document ready)
If you need an individual url for each img you could create a qtip widget individually
$('.tier-items a img').each(function() { $(this).qtip({
content: {
text: 'Loading...', // The text to use whilst the AJAX request is loading
ajax: {
url: '/Items/GetToolTip/' + $(this).attr("class"), //I assumed that $(this) would contain the element I moused over.
type: 'GET', // POST or GET
data: {} // Data to pass along with your request
}, ....