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R scatter plot with hexadecimal colors

I've got a CSV file with 3 columns, the X values, Y values, and their corresponding hexadecimal (#RRGGBB) values. I've been trying to create a scatter/bubble plot with the insides of the bubbles colored according to the hex values.

symbols(year, logtrans, circles=size, inches=0.05, bg=intel2$HexLogClock)

intel2$HexLogClock contains the hex values.

Sorry again for the noob question, any help is appreciated.


  • I think your trouble may lie in the hex values not being a character. Make sure they are first. See example below:

    year <- 1:5
    logtrans <- log(year)
    size <- rep(15,5)
    intel2 <- data.frame(HexLogClock=c("#330000", "#FFFFCC", "#660000", "#FF0000", "#00FF00"),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    symbols(year, logtrans, circles=size, inches=0.05, bg=intel2$HexLogClock)

    Notice the stringsAsFactors=FALSE code, which you can specify for read.csv and other import methods to ensure your character data isn't converted to a factor.

    You can do this for your data using:

    intel2$HexLogClock <- as.character(intel2$HexLogClock)