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How to slowly move an image inside a div continously to different coordinates

I have an image inside of a div. I would like to use some kind of timer to move the image to various positions inside of the div.

Example html:

<div id="Container" width="200" height="100"><img src="..."></div>


  • I whipped something up with jQuery. What's interesting is that I started by animating top and left simultaneously, and after some effort and trigonometry, I realized that if you separate the x and y components, the animation of bouncing around in a div becomes a lot easier.


    Here is a version that can handle multiple elements:


    The key piece of code is:

    // Parameters
    // img: jQuery element (not necessarily img)
    // speed: in px/millisecond
    // max: maximum distance to travel
    // dir: 'left' or 'top'
    function bounce(img, speed, max, dir) {
        speed += ((Math.random() * varSpeed) - (varSpeed / 2));
        speed = speed < minSpeed ? minSpeed : (speed > maxSpeed ? maxSpeed : speed)
        var time = max / speed;
        var position = img.position();
        var target = (position[dir] < 2) ? max : 0;
        var style = {
            queue: false
        style[dir] = target;
        img.animate(style, {
            duration: time,
            queue: false,
            easing: "linear",
            complete: function() {
                bounce(img, time, max, dir);

    maxSpeed, minSpeed, varSpeed are defined globally (in px/ms), with varSpeed being how much the speed varies at each bounce. I have a separate function startBounce which calls bounce twice, once for left and once for top. Because the animations are not queued, they animate independently.