I've looked through the code and documentation for the Grails Mail plugin (version 0.9) and it doesn't have the support I'm looking for. You can only set a single body and then provide a mime attachment that points to a static file. I need to actual pass a model into a GSP and have it render both the HTML and plain text versions and then have those both available in the message. This will allow non-HTML-based e-mail clients to display the text/plain part and clients that support HTML to display the text/html part.
Has anybody done this with Grails? Is there an easy way to do it, or do I have to modify the mail plugin or just go to the Java Mail library directly?
Since version 1.0 the mail plugin natively supports multipart alternative content as described in http://jira.grails.org/browse/GPMAIL-37
mailService.sendMail {
multipart true
to <recipient>
subject <subject string>
text 'my plain text'
html '<html><body>my html text</body></html>'