Is there any way we can hide column of display table,we have media="none" which hides the column .i have tried using
but it is not working, i am stuck while setting attritube of display column in javascript is there any way.As on button select column is to hide/display of display table.
i have checkbox on column header.i have to hide columns of display table.selected column is hiden on button click.
i have also tried using div tag for display column
<div id= "col1" style="display:block">
<display:column paramId="date_disp" paramName="date_disp" property="date_disp" title="Date" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable" decorator="com.commons.ColDateDecorator" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;height: 25;"/>
and document.getElementById('col1').style.display="none"; but its not working.
Uchenna is right you can use jquery library
Import the script into your page using script tag
add an attribute "id" or "class" to column you want to hide
and using that class or id you can hide that element.
eg. if you have mantioned id attribute and valuse is "abc"
then you can write :