I use a dhtml (midas) editor as a html editor in my web application, what I want to do is get a focused cursor in this html editor follow the mouse, is there a way to do that?
Added Example: I want cursor in textarea follow the mouse so if you have a big text in your textarea and you are going over it with mouse, cursor (text cursor) should follow the mouse, like this:
"This is an ex|ample text" - if mouse is over "example" word and between x and a, text cursor (|) should be focused there but when I move mouse on for example "text" cursor | should be between letters where mouse is currently located.
Ok I found the solution using Ext.util.TextMetrics, first I get position of every character in editor, then I compare that to mouse cursor position and then update midas selection based on given character from charNum array
htmlEditor.getEl().on('mousemove', function(e)
var charNum = {},
text = htmlEditor.getValue(),
fWidth = htmlEditor.getWidth();
var textMetrics = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(htmlEditor.getEl(), htmlEditor.getWidth());
for(var n=0;n<text.length;n++)
var dat = text.substring(0, n)
var width = textMetrics.getWidth(dat);
var height = textMetrics.getHeight(dat);
if(width > fWidth)
var mult = Math.ceil(width/fWidth)
var width = width % fWidth;
height = height*mult;
charNum[n] = [width, height];
//console.log("charNum: "+charNum.toSource());
var mX = e.getX();
var mY = e.getY();
var cXY = htmlEditor.getEl().getXY();
var cX = cXY[0];
var cY = cXY[1];
var x = mX-cX-20;
var y = mY-cY;
//console.log("fin xy: "+x+' '+y);
var n = -1;
var z = 0;
for(key in charNum)
if(charNum[key][0] > x && charNum[key][1] > y)
n = key-1;
if(x < 0 && y < 14) n = -1;
if(n == (z-1) && n != -1)
var selection = htmlEditor.win.getSelection();
range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
for(var x=0;x<n;x++)
selection.modify("move", "forward", "character");