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Simple program to call R from Java using Eclipse and Rserve

My application must perform R operations such as:

m = matrix(sample(0:1,100, rep=T),ncol=10)

The results should be available to a Java application.

The Rserve package bridges R to other languages, since it acts as a TCP/IP server. I've read the website but don't know how to make the simplest application that can use Rserve.

What steps are required to make a simple Eclipse application that uses Rserve to execute R commands from Java?


  • There is a binary version of Rserve in the download section ( I have version R 2.13 and Windows xp, so I need download Windows binary: (541.3kb, updated: Wed Apr 18 07:00:45 2012)). Copy the file to the directory containing R.DLL. After installed Rserve from CRAN


    in R (I have RStudio - convenient thing: Download RStudio IDE). started Rserve is from within R, just type


    Сheck in Task Manager - Rserve.exe should be run. After make a Java project in Eclipse, make a directory called lib under that project. Paste 2 jar here RserveEngine.jar and REngine.jar ( Do not forget to add this jars in Properties your java-project. In new class code:

    import org.rosuda.REngine.*;
    import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.*;
    public class rserveuseClass {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws RserveException {
            try {
                RConnection c = new RConnection();// make a new local connection on default port (6311)
                double d[] = c.eval("rnorm(10)").asDoubles();
                org.rosuda.REngine.REXP x0 = c.eval("R.version.string");
    } catch (REngineException e) {