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Compile time initialization of array using boost pp & mpl


typedef boost::mpl::vector<Type1, Type2, Type3> types;
const size_t numTypes = boost::mpl::size<types>::value;
std::array<std::function<bool(const obj&, const obj&)>, numTypes*numTypes> arr;

I'm trying to get this sort of functionality in compile time:

for( size_t i = 0; i < numTypes; ++i )
    for( size_t j = 0; j < numTypes; ++j )
        arr[i*numTypes+j] = ObjPair<boost::mpl::at_c<vecType, i>::type, boost::mpl::at_c<vecType, j>::type>::Foo;

I think it would look something like:

std::array<std::function<bool(const obj&, const obj&)>, numTypes*numTypes> arr = { BOOST_PP_FOR((0, numTypes), PRED, OP, MACRO) };

But I can't get it working (I didn't post my full failed attempt at using BOOST_PP_FOR).

ObjPair<T1, T2>::Foo is a static method of signiture bool(const obj&, const obj&). It's specialized for different obj types.

I would be using this array to find a particular function given pairs of objects. The objects are held as their base classes, and I can index the array with some math to determine the index based on IDs available in the base class.


  • It is not possible for PP to iterate over boost::mpl::vector size. Hovewer you can try define it.

    typedef boost::mpl::vector<bool, short, long> vecType;
    #define numTypes 3

    I have no TR1 so I try with boost array:

    typedef  boost::function<bool(const obj&, const obj&)> Function;
    typedef boost::array<Function, numTypes*numTypes> FooArray;
    #define OBJPAIR_FOO_ARRAY(z, n, text)  BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) &ObjPair<      \
    boost::mpl::at_c<vecType, n/numTypes>::type,  \
    boost::mpl::at_c<vecType, n%numTypes>::type   \
    FooArray fooArray= {
        BOOST_PP_REPEAT( BOOST_PP_MUL(numTypes, numTypes) , OBJPAIR_FOO_ARRAY, )