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Symfony2: how to get config parameters in Form classes

If I am inside a controller, I can easily read the config parameters using:


But when I am in some other class, say a Form type, how can I get hold of the config parameters?

$container = new Container(); 

The above code shouldn't and doesn't work.


  • Another similar solution is make your form type a service and inject the needed parameters. Then all your controller needs to do is to grab the service. Surround the parameter name with percent signs.

    In services.xml

            id     = "zayso_area.account.create.formtype"
            class  = "Zayso\AreaBundle\Component\FormType\Account\AccountCreateFormType"
            public = "true">
            <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.accounts_entity_manager" />
            <argument type="string"></argument>

    And if you really wanted to then you could inject the complete container though that is discouraged.