elisp is a good language, I find it can handle all kind of jobs, but can I use it like a shell script?
i.e. execute some *.el files from the console, without launching Emacs. Or launch Emacs, but don't enter interactive mode.
You can most definitely run elisp scripts in Emacs without starting the editor interface.
Here are the notes I've made/copied from a few extremely useful Q&As on the subject here at S.O. (and the following two in particular).
Much of this information, and more besides, is also covered in the following excellent overview, which is recommended reading:
;;;; Elisp executable scripts
;; --batch vs --script
;; M-: (info "(emacs) Initial Options") RET
;; M-: (info "(elisp) Batch Mode") RET
;; Processing command-line arguments (boiler-plate)
;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6238331/#6259330 (and others)
;; For robustness, it's important to both pass '--' as an argument
;; (to prevent Emacs from trying to process option arguments intended
;; for the script), and also to exit explicitly with `kill-emacs' at
;; the end of the script (to prevent Emacs from carrying on with other
;; processing, and/or visiting non-option arguments as files).
;; #!/bin/sh
;; ":"; exec emacs -Q --script "$0" -- "$@" # -*-emacs-lisp-*-
;; (pop argv) ; Remove the "--" argument
;; ;; (setq debug-on-error t) ; if a backtrace is wanted
;; (defun stdout (msg &optional args) (princ (format msg args)))
;; (defun stderr (msg &optional args) (princ (format msg args)
;; #'external-debugging-output))
;; ;; [script body here]
;; Always exit explicitly. This returns the desired exit
;; status, and also avoids the need to (setq argv nil).
;; (kill-emacs 0)
;; Processing with STDIN and STDOUT via --script:
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2879746/#2906967
;; #!/bin/sh
;; ":"; exec emacs -Q --script "$0" -- "$@" # -*-emacs-lisp-*-
;; (pop argv) ; Remove the "--" argument
;; (setq debug-on-error t) ; if a backtrace is wanted
;; (defun stdout (msg &optional args) (princ (format msg args)))
;; (defun stderr (msg &optional args) (princ (format msg args)
;; #'external-debugging-output))
;; (defun process (string)
;; "Reverse STRING."
;; (concat (nreverse (string-to-list string))))
;; (condition-case nil
;; (let (line)
;; (while (setq line (read-from-minibuffer ""))
;; (stdout "%s\n" (process line))))
;; (error nil))
;; ;; Always exit explicitly. This returns the desired exit
;; ;; status, and also avoids the need to (setq argv nil).
;; (kill-emacs 0)
Emacs aside, the only other elisp interpreter/compiler I'm aware of is Guile. If you're keen on general coding in elisp, that should be worth a look (especially if performance is a concern).