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What process do you use to learn a new programming language?

This question is for experiences programmers. Do you have a set process that you follow when approaching a new language that you want to learn?

I wish I had an efficient method or a to-do list that I could follow to make the learning process more streamlined.

Do you prefer learning alone or with a buddy? Is there any place where you can easily get the grammars for the new languages? Do you make a specific sort of cheat sheet where you quickly write down the control structures, and important keywords?

Are there any specific things that you memorize?

What sort of libraries do you make sure to learn? How do you know that you've learned something and at what point do you feel as if you know the language?

Whenever I pick up a new language, I mostly waste time fumbling through books which are half for beginners and never for experienced developers.


  • Personally I find that I need a substantial project to implement in a new interesting language. You can read a book at become familiar with syntax, and be exposed to interesting features, but a nothing gets you thinking in a new language like a project.