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Does maven have an ability to pack single *.dll to jar without any sources?

I'd like to add *.dlls as third party libs to my repository and during packaging process just pack them to *.jar, sign them and copy to some specific folder.

Signing and coping are well done and work correctly (as expected by using maven-dependency-plugin and maven-jarsigner-plugin). But I didn't find any method to automatically pack single dll to jar (without any sources like maven-assembly-plugin does).

Solution that I see by the time: add to my repository not a "pure" dll, but already packed to jar lib (packed by myself)... but it's not a good idea, I guess)


  • It sounds like you've successfully retrieved your .dll (with dependency plugin) and signed it (jarsigner plugin), and it's somewhere in your ${} (which defaults to target).

    If that's correct, give this a try:

    • Define the packaging of your project as jar
    • Retrieve dlls
    • Make sure the jarsigner:sign goal is bound to the prepare-package phase. It binds to package by default and we need to ensure jarsigner:sign runs before jar:jar.

          <phase>prepare-package</phase>       <!-- important -->
    • Configure the jar plugin to include the signed dll(s)

          <!-- using this ID merges this config with default -->
          <!-- So it should not be necessary to specify phase or goals -->
          <!-- Change classes directory because it will look in target/classes 
               by default and that probably isn't where your dlls are.  If
               the dlls are in target then directoryContainingSignedDlls is
               simply ${}. -->
    • Now, running mvn clean package should give you a jar containing your signed dlls.

    • If JACOB requires manifest config there are docs explaining how to do this.

    Good luck!