I am trying to write a code that takes a URL that has 3 parts (www).(domainname).(com) and trim the first part out completely.
So far I have this code that checks if on the left side I don't have a 'www' or 'dev'
go in and set siteDomainName = removecharsCGI.SERVER_NAME,1,2);
if (numHostParts eq 3 and listfindnocase('www,dev',left(CGI.SERVER_NAME,3)) eq 0) {
siteDomainName = removecharsCGI.SERVER_NAME,1,2);
The problem with the code above is that is deleting only 2 characters where I need it to delete ALL characters until numHostParts eq 2
or at least until the first "."
Another example would be:
akjnakdn.example.com I need the code to delete the first part of the URL with the dot included (akjnakdn.)
This code will help some of the queries that i have on the site to stop crushing because they are related with the #URL# and when the #URL# is fake I am getting cform query returned zero records
error that is causing my contact forms to stop working.
You could do something like this:
local.nameArr = ListToArray(CGI.SERVER_NAME, '.');
if (ArrayLen(local.nameArr) gt 2) {
ArrayDeleteAt(local.nameArr, 1);
siteDomainName = ArrayToList(local.nameArr, '.');
I've split the server name into array elements with a period as the delimiter. If the number of elements is greater than two, remove the first element. Then convert it back to a list with the period as a delimiter.
As suggested by Robb, this could be more concise and perform better by skipping the array conversion process:
siteDomainName = CGI.SERVER_NAME;
if (ListLen(siteDomainName, '.') gt 2) {
siteDomainName = ListDeleteAt(siteDomainName, 1, '.');