I would like to use Javassist to instrument a Java class which source is out of my control (Java 1.6.0_26-b03, Javassist 3.16.1-GA).
I'm relatively new to Javassist, but think I know the concepts behind it. I read a lot about it, but maybe I missed something. Please, see the following, really simple code:
File ParentPrivateMethodInstrumentingTest.java:
package test.javassist;
import javassist.*;
public class ParentPrivateMethodInstrumentingTest
public ParentPrivateMethodInstrumentingTest() throws Exception
ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass childCtClass = classPool.get( "test.javassist.Child" );
CtMethod parentCtMethod = childCtClass.getMethod( "parent", "()V" );
parentCtMethod.insertBefore( "{ System.err.println( \"-- before parent() --\" ); }" );
Child child = (Child)childCtClass.toClass().newInstance();
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
new ParentPrivateMethodInstrumentingTest();
File Parent.java:
package test.javassist;
public class Parent
private void privateParent()
System.out.println( "Parent.privateParent()" );
public void parent()
System.out.println( "Parent.parent()" );
File Child.java:
package test.javassist;
public class Child extends Parent
When I run this program, the output is:
So my question is, why is there no line "-- before parent() --", which I thought has been inserted into the bytecode?
Is it not possible to do code insertions the way I've tried on private methods of parent classes?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Thanks to the help of the author of the Framework, I got a hint where the problem lies and I would like to share the solution here. Since I modify a method of a parent class, that class must be also loaded with
right after the line
My thanks go to Prof. Shigeru Chiba.