I have develop an Android app, this app through a Apache Client send latitude and longitude to a web service. In the moment I receive the coordinates, I store the data received on a database. I show this data later on Google Maps with markers. Rigth now my idea will be to improve my App, but I don´t have seen yet clearly the way. The main idea will be store the track data on mobile device and send to the server when I stop app. (The idea is "save" the track data with My Tracks app, and send to my server, I wanna show the tracks on Google Maps) Doubts:
Thanks in advance, any suggestion will be really appreciatted.
I recommend you store the latitude and longitude in the DB of your choice, and then use the google maps api to set up your markers.
Placing your markers with the google api is really easy:
You can even create flightplans, and add markers for specific position reports.
Just save to database, and then with the server side of your choice, create the js with the proper latlng coordinates.