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Link 'Out' of jQ

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I'm using the Yin & Yang WP theme ('') for my portfolio and I've run into a little bit of a snag with/on the jQ side of things. I've copied the code over into a separate template to use in the same fashion, but I want the thumbnail links to open external pages. If the links are internal - it's fantastic. External ..not so much. It hangs.

You can see a 'working' [not really] version here:

I rifled through the code and systematically pulled out js references to find the offender.

This seems to be the culprit: BUT I could be totally off the mark.

Unfortunately, it also seems to control the slider functions (on the thumbnail/drop down contact).

If anyone can tell me what I need to do to allow me to link externally (be it tweak a little code or duplicate the easing file and make some modifications), that'd be greatly appreciated.

I'm guessing the solution can be found in here but it's all greek to me, so I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with it :(


  • It's because of cross-origin policy. You can't open stuff via ajax unless hosts, ports and protocols match. If you can't get to be there's two things you can try:

    1. on host a .php file that acts as a proxy. Basically it would only contain <?php die(file_get_contents($_GET['url'])); ?> and on top of that some basic validation to make sure that $_GET['url'] is actually a valid address within After you put this file on, you would have to update the link on the gallery so that instead of it will be So either this, or:

    2. Redirect the user. If the gallery link allows you to enter'') this would be easy. But in reality some pop-up blockers might cancel that and you're safer residing to method 1, but replacing the die(file_get_contents(...)) code with this one

      <script> window.location.href=<?php echo json_encode($_GET['url']); ?>; </script> Please wait you will be redirected...

      Which should basically redirect the user.


    Finally understood the question. Here's what you need to do:

    1. On <a class="project-link" href="> add the target="_blank" attribute.
    2. Open in Notepad or whatever /wp-content/themes/yin_and_yang/js/jquery.quicksand.init.js
    3. Towards the start of the file locate a line saying

      eQgetProjectViaAjax = function(e) { 
    4. Immediately below it, add these lines:

      var href = $(this).attr('href');
          href = href.split('://');
          host = window.location.href.split('://');
          if(href[0]!==host[0]) return setTimeout(function(){ $('#overlay').hide(); },500);
          href = href[1].split('/');
          host = host[1].split('/');
          if(href[0]!==host[0]) return setTimeout(function(){ $('#overlay').hide(); },500);
    5. Save everything and try it again. It will work this time.