I am having issues compiling the decNumber http://speleotrove.com/decimal/, source is here http://download.icu-project.org/files/decNumber/decNumber-icu-368.zip (includes examples etc. that need to be deleted)
Has anyone compiled this successfully? Your comments will be much appreciated!!
The compiler issues an error as a result of the following directives:
#if !defined(QUAD)
#error decBasic.c must be included after decCommon.c
(This is a small section of code from decCommon.c and decBasic.c is another source file)
The author of the code states in comments that these 2 source files are shared. There are no corresponding .h files.
I am on Windows 7 64 bit, compiling with Visual Studio 2010 32 bit.
Thank you in advance for your help.
decBasic.c and decCommon.c are #included at the BOTTOM of the specific implementation files (such as decDouble.c). So - you shouldn't compile decBasic.c or decCommon.c, but treat them like header files.
If you look at the MAKE file included, you can see what the compilation targets are: decBasic and decCommon are missing.
If you are using Visual Studio, you can add decBasic.c and decCommon.c as headers, so they appear in the project but will not be compiled.