Am stuck with small problem.
I want to add multiple setConditions for the same Name that is for PublicationTarget. This is using interops dll.
ListRowFilter rowFilter = mTDSE.CreateListRowFilter();
rowFilter.SetCondition("StartDate", sDate);
rowFilter.SetCondition("EndDate", eDate);
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", pubStgTarget);
For this PublicationTarget
, I want to filter with staging & live target and I tried all the ways but no use.
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", pubStgTarget);
Please suggest,
1. Passing xis possible, what is the best way to achieve?
I tried this ways but no luck;-
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", "tcm:0-1-65537"); // Gives only staging
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", "tcm:0-2-65537"); // Gives only Live
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", "tcm:0-1-65537|tcm:0-1-65537"); // No result
rowFilter.SetCondition("PublicationTarget", oPubList); // No result - `oPubList` is a
Nope, it is not possible unfortunately. If you want to put a condition on PublicationTarget
, it must be to only one PublicationTarget
However there are 2 workarounds:
Create two RowFilters
and set a different PublicationTarget
condition in each of them. Then you would issue the query twice (once for each filter). This means you would need to process 2 XML result nodes.
Don't use a PublicationTarget
condition when performing the GetListPublishTransactions()
. You will then get back an XML element that contains records for all PublicationTargets
. In your code, you will filter only those that are of interest to you (e.g. Staging or Live).
I would probably use #2 (unless I know the Publish Queue could potentially return a very large number of records, in which case, I would use #1).
Sample code for #2:
tdse = new TDS.TDSEClass();
mgtInfo = tdse.GetManagementInfo();
filter = tdse.CreateListRowFilter();
filter.SetCondition("InfoType", 2); // InProgress
filter.SetCondition("Publication", "tcm:0-23-1");
XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("tcm", "");
String xPath = String.Format(
"tcm:ListPublishTransactions/tcm:Item[@PublicationTarget='{0}'] | " +
stagingTcmUri, liveTcmUri);
XmlNodeList nodeList = dom.SelectNodes(xPath, namespaceManager);
foreach (XmlNode node in dom.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) {
//do your thing
Note: double check the XPath expression, I haven't actually tested that bit.